Barnepanel med 9 forskellige motiver.
Ca. 90 x 110 cm i alt
Hvert motiv måler ca. 27 x 27 cm adskilt af ca. 3,5 cm brede stolper.
Printed pattern in Danish for 4 different mugrugs.
The mugrugs measures approximately 16 x 16 cm
For English paper piecing.
The pattern includes templates for 2 of each mugrug. You just have to cut them out.
Skill levell:Â Easy
You can use the fabric strip pack Flower meadow for the motifs.
Printed pattern in Danish for 4 different mugrugs.
The mugrugs measures approximately 16 x 16 cm
For English paper piecing.
The pattern includes templates for 2 of each mugrug. You just have to cut them out.
Skill levell:Â Easy
You can use the fabric strip pack Flower meadow for the motifs.